In the storytelling, 'NETHERWORLD' refers to the false consciousness that residents of 'The Dome' enter, designed to keep society docile and unquestioning of government initiatives. In the Netherworld, everything is perfect – perfect because it’s fake. For a deeper dive into the storytelling that shapes every collection, visit UNIVERSE.
Netherworld is the name of our AW24 collection and references the false consciousness
portrayed in the storytelling but has parallels to the world in several significant ways.
Drawing connections between technology's increasing control over society and the concept
of virtual reality as a form of escape.

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Technological Dependency: Just as the computer chips in the storytelling are used
to control and manipulate individuals without their knowledge, in the real world, we are increasingly reliant on technology, with concerns about data privacy, surveillance,
and the growing influence of tech corporations.
The storytelling mirrors how modern systems like social media, AI, and digital
currency can shape and control our behavior.

1. Escapism and Virtual Reality: The Netherworld offers a utopian escape, where individuals can live idealized lives within a virtual space. This reflects real-world trends, such as the rise of virtual worlds, gaming, and the Metaverse, where people can immerse themselves in alternate realities, sometimes
as a way to avoid the difficulties of real life.

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2. Control and Free Will: FINE CHAOS’s control over the Netherworld, where
participants are subtly manipulated into choosing comfort over freedom, resonates
with real-world debates about free will in a highly digitized world
The trade-off between safety, convenience, and autonomy is a constant struggle,
especially as governments and corporations gain more power through technological
In both the storytelling and the real world, there’s a tension between human freedom and
technological control, raising questions about how much we are willing to surrender for the
promise of a better, more convenient life